Tuesday, July 29, 2008


When Jarod went to Utah he brought Me two colors of nail polish, orange and pink. After fighting with the boys which color We should use, We finally decided on orange. I wanted pink but, Blake DID NOT want to paint PINK. Each of the Boys took a turn painting a My toe nails. They each got a foot.
After They painted orange I had Them put this glitter polish over it. If you look close enough you can see it all over my cuticle but that will come off in the shower.
They had so much fun painting my toe nails! They did a pretty good job.
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Kristen said...

They probably picked orange because of your favorite football team. Good thinking boys!

The Wells Family said...

It looks like you are flipping us off with your great big long toe!

Hafen's said...

And I thought my toes were funny! Hee, Hee! I love to see your pics! cute kids, and yes Jarod looks pretty hot standing on the beach! (He was my first love ya know, well my first Crush!) Sorry I couldn't resist! Glad you guys are doing Good! Ebbi